Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Baron Beach of Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta

Baron Beach of Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta
Baron Beach
Baron beach, is one of the beaches in Gunung Kidul a much visited tourist either local or foreign, and thus has a very satisfying landscapes eyes at the sight of the beach baron tersebut.selain baraon coast there are other beaches that place not far apart, such as: Kukup Beach, Beach Sepanjang, Beach and Coastal Sundak lined Krakal there, all will pamper visitors will hubbub heart peace carrier waves.

Baron beach is located in the village of Kemadang, Tanjungsari District, about 20 km south of the city Wonosari (40 km from the city of Yogyakarta) Indonesian island of Java. Beaches to witness the meeting between sea water and fresh water, which is the result of a river which empties into the corner of the beach baron, as a symbol of two hearts berpadunya although with different backgrounds.

The tourists will be spoiled with the beauty of the wind that drove waves tuk making out with sand, so patiently waiting for her lover. Baron wealth outcomes such as large shrimp (lobster), white pomfret, snapper, tuna is ready to pamper guests, whether they are fresh or ready to eat. As a recommendation, here is a menu mainstay Snapper Soup.

One moment that passed was very dear Alms Sea Ceremony organized by the local fishing community every month suro in Javanese calendar, as an expression of gratitude to God Almighty for an abundance of seafood that has been given.

read here : 
List of inn in the Gunung Kidul Kidul
Indrayanti Beach in Gunung Kidul
Kute Beach in Bali
Parangtritis Beach in Bantul Yogyakarta
Baron Beach in Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta

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